In this week's message, Pastor David shared the kickoff sermon in our new series on marriage here at Salt Creek. He explored how thoughts play a central role in our relationships and highlighted the importance of taking control of these thoughts. Using 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, he emphasized taking every thought captive in obedience to Christ. Pastor David reminded us that no marriage is perfect because we're human, but we can all grow. He encouraged us to see marriage not just as a source of happiness, but as God’s tool for our holiness and transformation. Lastly, he presented key questions to consider in our marriages, like what we think about ourselves and our spouses. Pastor David inspired us to use our thoughts as tools to nurture our relationships, focusing on growth and improvement each day. Let’s take this journey together, seeing how we can think and act to enhance our relationships and bring glory to God in our simplicity and vulnerability.